100% of complaints resolved in 28 days
Performance Indicators help understand how well the Home is performing in relation to our strategic goals. It provides the most important performance information that enables the Nursing Home and our stakeholders to understand whether we are on track or not. In particular the measure indicates the service levels and risk. The key measures serve to understand the service levels, enhance transparency, risk and delivery; learn, manage and improve services.
All providers of regulated health and social care services have a legal responsibility to make sure they are meeting essential standards of quality and safety. These are the standards everyone should be able to expect when they receive care. The Care Quality Commission(CQC) regulates and inspects all adult social services in private, public and voluntary organisations in England.
CQC summarised their conclusion of the Home as’We observed that all areas of the home we saw were clean and the home had an atmosphere of care and respect for people who used the service’. The Home was accredited to the ‘Gold Standard Framework’.